Saturday, September 1, 2007


Well, I've been putting off this post for a while. I really haven't known how to say ALL that needs to be said. We have MUCH going on in our lives right now.

As some of you that check our teen blog will already know, we are moving away. Our last Sunday at our church and with our beloved teens was 2 weeks ago. We are now in the process of trying to selling our house. I will be perfectly honest, I have really struggled with all of these changes.

Also, Jase and I are expecting a baby in the early spring! Yeah! Jarrod is very excited! When we told him he was going be a big brother, he replied, "In the morning?" No, not quite. I wish.

Anyway, please pray for our family, specifically that the house sells very soon, for our move to be smooth, for our teens and church family(these things can be painful), our baby, and for healing in our own hearts and minds. Jarrod is handling everything very well. We are planning to move up to Ohio near Jase's folks and he couldn't be happier to live near his Mammaw and Papaw D.!

Psalm 63:2 ". . . when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I."


Stephen Troell said...

We are praying for ya'll with all that is going on in your life right now. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to be still and wait on the Lord. Seems that we've been doing some of that ourselves How exciting to hear that another baby is on the way! Hope you're feeling well Janine.
Jocelyn Troell

The Pepin Family said...

Well, congratulations on the baby...and we will be praying for you! :)


Joy said...

We are so excited we're going to be living close for once in our lives! :) We're praying for the baby, the house, and everything. We're ready to come help! We love you!

Alicia Reagan said...

Love ya girlie and am praying for you. Just take care of yourself and your precious little baby (glad you went public - now I can tell!) Tell Jarrod I am sorry that I missed his phone call today. I will try to call him back in a couple of days. Looking forward to you living closer - we will take advantage of our closeness!!:)

Stephanie Fowler said...

We are praying for you all! Congratulations on the new one coming! Glad to hear you are moving to Ohio. I know some great people that will be living near you :)